Current date/time is 4/28/2024, 8:24 am

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WARNING! MUST READ!1. No spammingSpamming is:Double postingSaying just one or two words (unless it makes sense)! saying 'lol' or 'cool' etcPosting everything in caps lock like THIS. You know what spamming is Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages2. No bullying3. No sexual talk4. No swearingEven if you put stars in it counts as swearingIf you swear on a first post it's an instant ban5. No double posting 6. No asking to be a mod or admin. If we think you are suitable to be a mod, you will become a mod. If you make 400 good posts, then you will have a good chance of becoming a mod, but if you make 1000 bad posts, you have a bad chance of becoming a mod.7. If you are a mod and break a rule you will lose your mod status8. No advertising. No advertising by PM.9. Respect the Admins and Mods, we try our best to make this website a good fun place for people to chat about club penguin and have fun, if you don't respect us, then you will not be respected either.10. Only moderators and admins can make contests.If you want to make a contest, ask permission from an admin first11. Please respect all members, remember that our members ages range from very young to older and come from all regions of the world. That means that spelling and grammar may not be in perfect English. Do not criticise other members unnecessarily about their spelling. And do not use text speak (cell phone message speak) as it is confusing for our members from overseas.12. Defamatory, racist, hateful, pornographic, illegal or insulting content must be avoided on this forum. You must respect the fact that people may have a different opinion than you. If you are in conflict with another member, please use PMs for that, this board is not an arena!13. Last one for now..... Please do not 'bump' the posts. This means do not make a comment on an old post (one that is older than 2 weeks old) because it is really annoying when the irrelevant posts are brought back to the top again! Make a new topic instead. (Exception to the rule is if it is a post we want to keep going)!!Points systemif you get a point, you have broken a rule and are closer to being banned:1-2 points: Be careful on what you do3 points: 24 Hour ban4-5 points: 48 Hour ban6 points: last chance to be good7 points: banned for everHere are the RanksAdminHow to earn: Join the adminsRank Image: 4 golden Vinking helmetsModeratorHow to earn: Join the ModsRank image: 5 beta hatsCool modHow to earn: When 5-10 Members say your cool as a modRank image: 5 beta hatsReporter + ModHow to earn: Join both reporters + ModsRank image: 2 pencils writing on paper + 2 beta hatsReporterHow to earn: Jon the reportersRank image: 4 pencils writing on paperTeamHow to earn: Join the TeamRank image: 7 starsIce Lolly QueenHow to earn: This is a rank for one of the admins onlyRank Image: 5 ice loliesThe SpooksterHow to earn: This rank is given to everyone at haloweenRank Image: Puffle PumkinStarterHow to earn: Every members very first RankRank image: 1 penguinRookieHow to earn: Make 100 posts on the formsRank image: 2 penguinsFast PosterHow to earn: Make 200 posts on the formsRank Image: 3 penguinsUnstoppableHow to earn: Make 300 posts on the formsRank image: 4 penguinsNearly thereHow to earn: Make 500 posts on the formsRank image: 5 penguinsMasterHow to earn: Makw 750 posts on the formsRank image: 3 blue penguinsV.I.P.How to earn: Make 2500 posts on the formsRank image: 5 blue penguinsFrom the admin